Traveling with a Pet Doesn't Have to be Tough

Your Dog's Allergies: What You Can Do

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When you are the pet parent to a dog that is an integral member of your family, you want to take the same care of their health that you do for your human family members. And if your dog has allergies, you may wonder if there are any pet health remedies or treatments that you can provide them to help them be less miserable due to allergy symptoms. Get to know some of the ways that you can take care of your dog with allergies so that you can be sure you are doing everything you can to keep them happy and healthy.…

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Teeth Misalignment And Overcrowding In Dogs And What Can Be Done

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Just like humans, dogs can have misaligned teeth. While you may think your pet’s under or overbite is cute and adds to his or her charm, in some instances it can create problems eating and is often the reason the pet has other dental problems. Hopefully, you notice the problem while the dog is still young and can get a veterinarian’s evaluation on the situation. Here is some information on the common misalignment problems and what can be done to correct them.…

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Helping Cure Your Cat's Separation Anxiety And Aggression When Boarded

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While cats are generally very independent and require little care when left alone, there’s always the chance you may need to board them when you’re gone for an extended period. Unfortunately, cats may suffer from separation anxiety or aggression towards handlers or other cats when boarded. Here’s what you need to know about how to treat these behaviors. Dealing With Separation Anxiety Separation anxiety is caused by a wide range of problems, chief among them being separation from their owner.…

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